Wednesday 10 April 2013

Salumarada Thimmakka: At the age of 101, she still dreams “big”!!

A good amount of pension fund, occasional foreign tour packages, plentiful time with spouse and family,  insurances that cover up all the medical requirements and all the time in the world to do something you always wanted to do.....well, is this how you have dreamt about your post-retirement life? Hold on.....this lady will make you rethink and question yourself, “Can I play the second innings of my life in a real big way?” And if you consider yourself too old to make a change, here is a story that says “age – no bar to follow your dreams”!

Thimmakka is challenging the status quo - an illiterate rural woman from a village named Hulikal in Magadi who still uses her thumb impression in place of a signature but has achieved something that even many educated and highly qualified hardly think of! She is an epitome of “green” reformation who once planted hundreds of banyan trees on the Kudoor- Hulikal road, a stretch of close to 4 kilometers transforming a deserted land into a green paradise. Salumarada Thimmakka, named after ‘salumara’ meaning ‘row of trees’ (in Kannada) that she planted, now at the age of 101, still thinks ‘big’!

Thimmakka who got married at the age of 20 to Chikkaiah, realized that they cannot have children which was then considered a social stigma. Having decided to do ‘something good’ to the society, the couple decided to plant trees from Kudoor to Hulikal village. Together, they took every care required – from carrying water in pots and walking long distances to water them to safeguarding them from animals to using one’s own scanty earnings to nurture the saplings. All her struggles have now resulted in the never-ending stretch of giant trees that are a treat to the eyes and soul of a passer-by, ecstasy to cyclists and bikers, roof for small vendors and a home to many tiny creatures. Amidst the green canopy, every breath you take seems so refreshing and rejuvenating. “I cared for the trees like we do for children. They are my kids. Even if I had children, I would have 2 or 3. But now I have hundreds”, smiles the proud environmentalist!

Kudoor-Hulikal Road - A green canopy - A result of Thimmakka's decades of hardwork!

There is a non-profit organization called “Thimmakka's Resources for Environmental Education” in California in the US, named after Thimmakka and started by Ritu Primlani that has initiated and promotes green practices for restaurants, an industry that consumes a lot of energy and also produces huge quantities of recyclable waste. Thimmakka’s struggling journey of decades has been recognized through a number of awards and titles including National Citizens Award, Veerachakra Prashasthi, Godfrey Philips Bravery award and many more. You might need a small gallery to display all the awards and certificates she has received. While the government has taken over the management of the trees planted by Thimmaka, they are now valued at a few crores but her dedication and her inspiring dreams are assets to our generation that are beyond measure!

"Saalumarada Thimmakka in her home amidst the awards and recognition she has received"

Even at this age which our generation can only dream of, considering the quality of our food and lifestyle, Thimmakka is quite active and independent. She is currently involved in many afforestation programs and environment related initiatives. A woman who hardly stepped out of her village now manages travelling to other places and states, inspiring others.

Inspite of all the rewards that she has received, Thimmakka’s struggles continue. At present she gets a meager Rs.400 from the government as pension and lately given a home in Suryanagar area close to Anekal which is yet to be completed. But her worries are beyond all this. In a voice of deep concern, Thimmaka says, “I am worried about the soaring temperatures and its cruel aftermath, the quality of crops and untimely rains. The ponds are all dried up. Where will the birds find water for themselves? What will happen to our farmers? I miss those days where-in it used to continuously rain for a few days filling up all the ponds and there was no match to the joy of being drenched in rainy season. Will the next generation get to experience all this? If this continues, the animals, birds, humanity, everything will perish, literally everything!” I was speechless witnessing her anger and a thin line of tears in her eyes.

With so many steps that we could take as an individual in our homes and offices to save energy, what are we really waiting for? Are we too lazy and so unbothered that we can’t make a small change in our lifestyle for the sake of the planet? Can we still afford to continue what we have been doing and put the whole humanity at stake? Are we still waiting for the government to make some rules, policies and compulsions to save our own lives?

‘Environment’, ‘global warming’, ‘saving the planet’ – these look like too big an issue that we generally say, “Can I as an individual make any difference? Do my steps make any difference?”. Well think about this. If a woman from a remote village in India who never attended schools and colleges, who never received any formal education can understand the seriousness of this issue and single-handedly make a significant impact, why aren’t we, better equipped with resources and technology bothered enough?

At the age of 101, Thimmakka now dreams of planting another stretch of banyan trees on the Suryanagar-Anekal road that now has only wide tar roads and parched land. Inspite of all the issues, this beautiful, old Indian is still bent on making a difference will all the hope in her heart for a greener future. I urge that we change the way we look at, use and value Mother Nature’s limited resources. I feel only then can we look into the eyes of Thimmakka, who dedicated her entire life for a green cause and say “We are with you and we, the next generation shall carry forward your dream!”

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